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Would you buy shares in the company you want to work for?

Title: Would you buy shares in the company you want to work for?
Category: /Business & Economy/Accounting
Details: Words: 3002 | Pages: 11 (approximately 235 words/page)
Would you buy shares in the company you want to work for?
Topic Definition Would you buy shares in the company you want to work for? Introduction Who would not be happy to work for companies like, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Gillette, Colgate, Ford, and GE among them. All these companies have a high reputation since long time ago and overall with a good position in our mind as one of their most important strategies. One might goes behind of those corporate names, if one …showed first 75 words of 3002 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 3002 total…are trying to aligning the interest of employees to the shareholders interest, with the aim of working in favour of the company and not against. The employee will be part of the ownership and will have the same interests than the other shareholders. Thus the new employee-owner will play and do everything he or she can to optimize and maximize the firm's value as it will have a direct effect to his or her favour.

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