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What is a Hero?

Title: What is a Hero?
Category: /Law & Government/International
Details: Words: 681 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
What is a Hero?
Many people have heroic qualities but being a hero and having heroic qualities are completely different. A hero should know how to decide what is right and wrong. Someone that you see as being higher than you in strength, greatness and confidence and that someday you could be just like them. To me, a hero is unrealistic. I strongly believe that the only hero one has is the one they find in themselves. I've never …showed first 75 words of 681 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 681 total…holding the highest rank any African American woman in the Air Force has ever achieved. Hard work, devotion to duty and above all, the will to succeed are the qualities that define Major-General Marcelite J. Harris and the qualities that I find in myself. Like Harris, I strive to accomplish my goals. I hope that one day I will become someone's hero. I want people to see me for a strong and goal seeking individual.

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