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Violence and Alex's Reclamation in "A Clockwork Orange" General Overview of A Clockwork Orange, covering most important factors.

Title: Violence and Alex's Reclamation in "A Clockwork Orange" General Overview of A Clockwork Orange, covering most important factors.
Category: /Literature/European Literature
Details: Words: 1994 | Pages: 7 (approximately 235 words/page)
Violence and Alex's Reclamation in "A Clockwork Orange" General Overview of A Clockwork Orange, covering most important factors.
Nobody is really sure what Conformity is or whether it is a good or bad thing. The two books described below try to find the answer to both of these questions. The two books are; A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess and 1984 by George Orwell. They both have a society where someone or something is trying contain the populace. In 1984 the society is being held down as tight as a pinhead, whereas in A Clockwork …showed first 75 words of 1994 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1994 total…in 1984 they make up a new language to restrict their populace and keep them under control and it is called Newspeak. But in A Clockwork Orange the language made up is used to break away from conformity, it is called Nadsat. A major difference between A Clockwork Orange and 1984 is that in 1984 after everything has finished nothing has changed. But in A Clockwork Orange Alex really changes and it is a change for the better.

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