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Union Carbide's history, dirt, employment and importance to our world.

Title: Union Carbide's history, dirt, employment and importance to our world.
Category: /Society & Culture/Environment
Details: Words: 2230 | Pages: 8 (approximately 235 words/page)
Union Carbide's history, dirt, employment and importance to our world.
Union Carbide & Carbon Corporation were incorporated on November 1, 1917, and acquired the stock of Linde Air Products Co., National Carbon Co. Inc., Prest-O-Lite Co. Inc., and Union Carbide Company. Then two years later, George Curme files the first patent for commercial preparation of ethylene. The expansion of the company started the following year with new plants at Clendenin, W. Va. - which was the start of the petrochemical industry. Union Carbide also established Carbide and …showed first 75 words of 2230 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 2230 total…the basic knowledge for all things possible, everything around involves chemistry and chemicals, without Union Carbide these chemicals would not be in existence so therefore the products with that chemical would not be existence and we would not be able to improve the way we live with that certain product. Its common sense to come and think about it, if we don't need this company, why would they make billions of dollars each year? Page 5

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