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The Effects of Marital Stress

Title: The Effects of Marital Stress
Category: /Recreation & Sports/Mental Health
Details: Words: 1089 | Pages: 4 (approximately 235 words/page)
The Effects of Marital Stress
The Effects of Marital Stress Stress is on everyone's mind. It is not just on the mind, but the body as well. What causes stress? Stress comes from many different sources. Whether it comes from the workplace or home life, it can lead to many other serious problems. Marriages, and our bodies, can be severely affected by stress. Stress can devastate a marriage and lead to severe complications, such as health issues. Many things happen …showed first 75 words of 1089 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 1089 total…understand the meaning of marital stress and how it can affect both our minds and our bodies. References Gaskill, S., Hazuda, H., Stern, P., Williams, K. (2000). Marital Stress Predicts the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in Mexican Americans and Non-Hispanic Whites. Diabetes, 49, 17. Orth-Gomer. (2001). The Journal of Critical Illness. Heart disease in women, 16, 349. Wickrama, K.A.S., Schafer, R., Keith, P. (1998). Journal of Family Issues. Stress in marital interaction and change in depression: a longitudinal analysis, 19, 578-590.

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