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Jackie Robinson and how he changed the face of not only sports but everyday life.

Title: Jackie Robinson and how he changed the face of not only sports but everyday life.
Category: /Society & Culture
Details: Words: 2038 | Pages: 7 (approximately 235 words/page)
Jackie Robinson and how he changed the face of not only sports but everyday life.
Jackie Robinson was only known as a great baseball player during his playing years but fans didn't know how much he would change the face of sports and everyday life. I am doing my project on Jackie Robinson and how he changed how African Americans are viewed in society. Jackie was the first African-American to play major league baseball. Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947 and played 10 years of his major league career with the …showed first 75 words of 2038 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 2038 total…where he got. I had never known anything about what Jackie did off the field. Jackie changed the way of life for many people and gave hope to the African-American community. Jackie was not all about baseball but about the deep commitment that he had made to achieve justice for himself and all Americans. Jackie Robinson is not only a great icon in the world of professional sports, but in many other aspects as well.

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