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Authority or power ?

Title: Authority or power ?
Category: /Social Sciences/Political Science
Details: Words: 443 | Pages: 2 (approximately 235 words/page)
Authority or power ?
A "Political System" is complex set of relations that should be broken down into small clusters in order to carry out a detailed study and a manner that would extract the essence out of each link and bridge. In a political system there's no rights and wrongs, the only thing that really matters is where to use each element and each policy. That's what makes the study of political systems of one the major divisions …showed first 75 words of 443 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 443 total…authority free from all corruptions and biases somehow referred to in an ideal political system describe by Plato and other idealistic politicians. The quest for political authority has been tracked by Aristotle and Plato from the early days when the political sciences were a division of the general philosophy. Till now the political authority is subject to different interpretations, soon a new vision of that authority will emerge with the virtual agencies and the e-government.

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