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AP Environmental Science HW Chp4

Title: AP Environmental Science HW Chp4
Category: /Society & Culture/Environment
Details: Words: 694 | Pages: 3 (approximately 235 words/page)
AP Environmental Science HW Chp4
Yuan Yao Mrs. Michelman AP Environmental Science Chapter 4 HW 1. Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with one another and with their nonliving environment. In effect it is a study of connections in nature. Ecologists focus on trying to understand the interactions between organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, and the biosphere. An organism is any form of life. A population consists of a group of interacting individuals of the same species that occupy a specific …showed first 75 words of 694 total…
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…showed last 75 words of 694 total…using sunlight o make carbohydrates is called photosynthesis. Where as in chemosynthesis there is no need for sunlight, the source of energy is heat generated by the decay of radioactive elements deep in the earth's core. Aerobic respiration uses oxygen to convert organic nutrients back into carbon dioxide and water. Where as anaerobic respiration or fermentation produce compounds such as methane gas, ethyl alcohol, acetic acid, and hydrogen sulfide instead of carbon dioxide and water.

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